
Since 1968 there has been a grouping of historians of economic thought in the United Kingdom who in many respect have acted as an organisation for their intellectual discipline. There has been an annual conference (this year in its 50th edition!) with a core of faithful attendees from the UK and across the world and a regular Newsletter.

There was a reluctance initially to become a more formal society. In one of the first Newsletters (issue 4, Spring 1970, page 7) it was noted that ‘[a]t the Business Meeting there was a characteristic British reluctance to adopt a written constitution’. (For access to issues of the History of Economic Thought Newsletter see the Archive).  

More recently, a number of considerations, including the changing disciplinary landscape and professional representation relating to history of economic thought in British academia and beyond have persuaded those associated with the conference to adopt more formal structures, including a constitution.

The Society is currently represented by:

Richard van den Berg, Chairperson and Trustee, Kingston University

Claudia Jefferies, Treasurer and Trustee, City, University of London

Christina Laskaridis, Secretary and Trustee, Open University & University of Oxford

Terry Peach, Trustee, The University of Manchester & Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay, Trustee, Goldsmiths, University of London

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